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Golf Mobility: Hip Part 2

Hip Mobility Part 2 Progressions

Limited hip mobility is a common problem that can cause pain and/or compensations with the golf swing. 
Backswing: back leg internally rotates, front leg externally rotates
Downswing and follow through: back leg externally rotates, front leg internally rotates


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Golf Mobility: Hip Part 1

Hip Mobility
Limited hip mobility is a common problem that can cause pain and/or compensations with the golf swing. 
Backswing: back leg internally rotates, front leg externally rotates
Downswing and follow through: back leg externally rotates, front leg internally rotates

Hypomobility can...

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Golf Mobility: Thoracic Extension

Thoracic Extension
Limited thoracic mobility is one of the most common problems in recreational golfers. Lack of thoracic extension will make it difficult to maintain posture at the top of your backswing and can lead to swing faults including:
‍C Posture
‍Loss of Posture
‍Flat Shoulder...

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Golf Mobility: Thoracic Rotation

Thoracic Rotation:
Limited thoracic mobility is one of the most common problems in recreational golfers. Inability to properly rotate through the thoracic spine will limit your ability to do a full shoulder turn and can lead to many golf swing faults including:
‍Loss of Posture

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3 Ways to Assess POWER in the Golf Swing

golf health mobility strength Oct 29, 2019

3 Ways to Assess POWER in the Golf Swing

Everyone wants more distance on their shots. How do we get more distance? By producing more POWER.

Let me start this blog by saying that strength is a prerequisite to Power. If you do not have strength, you won’t be able to produce power.

In short,...

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Shoulder Pain in Golf

Shoulder Pain in Golf

Shoulder pain is a common complaint with golfers. Most of us do not realize how much shoulder flexibility and range of motion we actually need in order to effectively swing the golf club without pain. There are two tests that we can utilize in order to determine if we are at...

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Loading Your Trail Hip in the Backswing

Loading Your Trail Hip in the Backswing

Top 4 reasons you may not be able to load into your back hip in the backswing:

All 4 reasons can cause you to sway and lose efficiency in the golf swing.

‍Lack of trail hip Internal Rotation ROM, looking for at least 31 degrees
‍ Lack of ankle...

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